League Structure:
Team matches consist of a series of individual head-to-head matches between members of each team. In each individual match, one team member plays an opponent designated by the other team. The team points earned each week are totaled over the course of a session. The teams with the most points at the end of the session are entitled to compete in Playoffs, discussed later in this manual. The number of points a team can earn in a week of League play are:
Open 8-Ball Divisions – Each individual match is worth up to three points. A team can win a maximum of 15 points.
Open 9-Ball Divisions – Each individual match is worth up to 20 points. A team can win a maximum of 100 points.
Ladies Divisions – Each individual match is worth up to three points. A team can win a maximum of nine points.
3-Person Divisions (8-Ball) – Each individual match is worth up to three points. A team can win a maximum of nine points.
3-Person Divisions (9-Ball) – Each individual match is worth up to 20 points. A team can win a maximum of 60 points.
Doubles Divisions (8-Ball) – Each individual match is worth up to three points and the doubles match is worth up to six points. A team can win a maximum of 12 points.
Doubles Divisions (9-Ball) – Each individual match is worth up to 20 points and the doubles match is worth up to 40 points. A team can win a maximum of 80 points.
Masters Divisions – Each individual match is worth up to seven points. A team can win a maximum of 21 points.
Junior Divisions – Check your Local Bylaws.