Search results for: time out


[…] when your opponent finishes their turn, you are advised not to continue talking to your teammates. Go to the table and begin your turn. NOTE 1: A time-out must be called before coaching begins. NOTE 2: Ineligible players cannot coach or participate in a group consensus.  NOTE 3:  A team can only be charged […]

World Pool Championships

[…] Membership If your membership is not current, you are not eligible to participate in the World Championships. If any of your teammates are not available at renewal time, consider renewing for them so they do not get dropped from the roster and become ineligible. Notify your Local League Management immediately if a player is […]

How To Use Scoresheets And Score Matches

[…] number and name. For Week # – Indicates the current week of play followed by the number of weeks in the session, along with the date and time of the match. Division – The name of the division and session information. Division Rep(s) – The name and phone number of the person to contact […]

League Organization

[…] team’s point of contact for all communication from the Local League Management. A team may elect a new Team Captain through a simple majority vote at any time. Local League Management must be notified immediately when a new Team Captain is elected. Team Captains are expected to: Share League information and announcements with the […]


A team match will result in a forfeit if a player is not at the table and ready to begin within 15 minutes of the appointed time. Real Time, as opposed to Bar Time, is the official League Time. Occasionally a new team misreads, or misunderstands the schedule. Some leniency will be granted where […]

Follow-up Actions

[…] later date, and Local League Management determines it originated during League play, then Local League Management must take action. A fight that occurs outside, but during League time, will be treated the same as one that occurs inside. If a player threatens to wait outside until the match is over, Local League Management should […]

Membership Renewals

Players may renew their membership for the upcoming calendar year online at beginning October 1. When renewing, please be sure to update your contact information. Your renewal fee must be paid the first time you play a match in the new calendar year.

How To Score 8-Ball

[…] first initials. Refer to the “Doubles Race Chart” on the scoresheet and fill in the number of games each team will need to win. B. Innings And Time-Outs An inning is a completed cycle in which both players (singles) or teams (doubles) have had a turn at the table. The player or team who […]

How to Win A Game

[…] scratch, they have fouled and you receive ball-in-hand. You do not win because of this foul. NOTE 2: You may not play the 8-ball at the same time you play the last ball of your category. The 8-ball must be pocketed through a separate shot. If you pocket the 8-ball at the same time […]

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