Search results for: coaching


Coaching is defined as giving advice to a teammate during their turn at the table. What constitutes as coaching is sometimes open to interpretation. Therefore, when your opponent finishes their turn, you are advised not to continue talking to your teammates. Go to the table and begin your turn.

World Pool Championships

The Open Division 8-Ball and 9-Ball World Championships have specific eligibility and qualification rules, starting at the Local Level with the World Qualifiers. Areas that have an additional Tournament structure used to narrow the field for the World Qualifiers may use these same rules.

Follow-up Actions

In addition to the actions a League Operator takes regarding verbal or physical abuse, they may also take follow-up actions. Follow-up action addresses the long-term issues related to incidents of misconduct. Through follow-up action, Local League Management has the opportunity to evaluate who started the problem.


If any of the following fouls are committed, the penalty is ball-in-hand for the opposing player. Make certain you have ball-in-hand before you touch the cue ball by confirming it with your opponent. Ball-in-hand is the advantage given to a player when their opponent scratches or otherwise fouls, whereupon the player may place the cue ball anywhere on the playing surface.

Splitting Matches

[…] penalties if it deliberately prevents a second table from being available, or resists using the second table to split the match. The option to split matches can only be waived if both teams agree to complete the match on one table.   < Concerning Teams That Drop Out Coaching >    et_search_proccess yes yes Search

Host Locations

[…] a pool table is welcome to host a team, including recreation centers, bowling alleys, etc. Teams may not change their Host Location during a session unless the location closes, the location requests it or Local League Management approves the move.   < Coaching Make Sure You Keep Score Properly >    et_search_proccess yes yes Search

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