How To Use Scoresheets And Score Matches
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Scoresheets should be filled out neatly, completely, accurately and signed by both Team Captains. Penalties may be assessed for repeated illegible, incomplete or incorrect scoresheets.
NOTE: Failure to sign the scoresheet does not constitute a dispute
or protest.
The following information is printed across the top of all scoresheets:
Team Sheet For – The team number and name.
For Week # – Indicates the current week of play followed by the number of weeks in the session, along with the date and time of
the match.
Division – The name of the division and session information.
Division Rep(s) – The name and phone number of the person to contact if you have questions.
Start and End Times – All scoresheets have a space to record the start and end times of team matches in order to assist Local League Management in identifying teams with slow play issues. APA’s goal is to have all teams “Home by 11.”
8-Ball – The start time is located in the upper section of the scoresheet, to the right of the Skill Level Chart. The space for the end time is located in the upper section of the scoresheet, to the left of the Match Points Earned Chart.
8-Ball Doubles – The space for Start and End Times is located in the upper left-hand corner, just below the APA logo.
9-Ball & 9-Ball Doubles – The space for Start and End Times is located along the top right-hand corner, on the scoring side of
the scoresheet.
Masters – The space for Start and End Times is located in the upper right-hand corner.
Division Standings Through Last Week – The Division Standings are printed on each scoresheet and show each team’s total points and the number of points each team earned the previous week.
Rosters – The scoresheet will include each team’s roster along with each team’s name, Host Location, membership numbers, skill levels (except in Masters Divisions) and the number of matches each player has played during the session. The scoresheet will also indicate if the team has any credits or past dues.
Remember to inform the opposing team of any roster changes prior to starting the team match. Indicate any roster changes on the scoresheet next to your team’s roster by doing the following:
To Drop a Player – Draw a line through their name and write the word “drop” next to it.
To Add a Player – Write the word “add” along with their name and skill level (except in Masters) by your team roster.
Declaring Players – Team Captains flip a coin to decide which team will declare the first player. A space is provided to assist in tracking which team chooses first in each match. That space is located:
8-Ball – Directly above the player name block, titled “Team #”.
9-Ball – The top left corner on the scoring side of the scoresheet.
Fees Section – Team Captains should complete the financial section, located in the lower left portion of the scoresheet. All money placed in the envelope with the scoresheet should be itemized. It is important to list annual membership dues along with the names of the members who are paying, as well as any non-standard payments. Players in areas with an electronic payment option should check their Local Bylaws for the information required in this section.
Table Size Section – The Equalizer® takes into consideration the size of the table(s) the match was played on. Mark the appropriate box to indicate the table size used for the match.
8-Ball & 8-Ball Doubles – It is located just below the Captains’ Signature Section.
9-Ball & 9-Ball Doubles – It is located directly above the Captains’ Signature Section.
Next Scheduled Match – The team number, name, date and location of your next scheduled match is shown in this section and can
be found:
8-Ball & 8-Ball Doubles – Directly below the Table Size Section.
9-Ball & 9-Ball Doubles – Directly below the Rosters.
Masters – Directly below the Captains’ Signature Section.
Message Center – Located at the very bottom of all scoresheets, this area may be used by Local League Management to send messages to teams or by teams to write messages to Local League Management.