League Structure:
League Organization
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The Formats – Various formats have been established for League play. If you are interested in a format not currently offered in your area, contact your Local League Management. Every effort will be made to get it started. Check with your Local League Management for the formats offered in your area. The formats offered are:
Open Format – A team match which consists of five individual handicapped matches.
Ladies & 3-Person – A team match which consists of three individual handicapped matches.
Doubles – A team match which consists of two individual handicapped matches and one alternating-shot doubles handicapped match.
Masters – A team match which consists of three individual matches following U.S. Amateur Championship rules. Each individual match will be a race-to-7, playing up to eight games of 9-Ball and five games of 8-Ball. Players earn one point for each game won.
Juniors – Check your Local Bylaws.
The Team – A team consists of a group of players, the number of which is determined by the format the team is playing. All team members bear the responsibility of ensuring that their teammates are members of legal age, who are playing at skill levels that reflect their true ability. Each team will have a Team Captain. The number of players on a team roster in each format is as follows:
Open Divisions (8-Ball & 9-Ball) – Minimum of five players, maximum of eight.
Ladies & 3-Person Divisions – Minimum of three players, maximum of five.
Doubles Divisions – Minimum of two players, maximum of three.
Masters Divisions – Minimum of three players, maximum of four.
Juniors Divisions – Check your Local Bylaws.
The Team Captain – The Team Captain is the person listed first on the team roster and is responsible for managing the team. The Team Captain should have a valid phone number and email address on file, as the Team Captain is the team’s point of contact for all communication from the Local League Management. A team may elect a new Team Captain through a simple majority vote at any time. Local League Management must be notified immediately when a new Team Captain is elected. Team Captains are expected to:
Share League information and announcements with the members of their team.
Post information at their Host Location.
Collect membership dues and weekly fees and forward them to Local League Management in a timely manner.
Have their team at the appropriate location on time.
Ensure that all rules concerning etiquette, sportsmanship and eligibility are observed.
Make sure proper scorekeeping procedures are followed.
The Division – A division consists of a number of teams (ideally from 6 to 16) competing with each other in a set schedule and geographic area. Local League Management, at its discretion, will do its best to minimize the distance teams within a division must travel.
NOTE: In some instances, a division may start with only four teams, although a six-team division is the smallest division recommended.
The Host Location – Most Host Locations are businesses that have chosen to provide a place for teams to participate in League play. The best way to show appreciation for our hosts is to enjoy their services and be model customers as, without them, there would be no League.
APA Members must respect the Host Location and their property, and follow their policies and guidelines for acceptable behavior, commonly known as House Rules. For example, while League rules may allow massé and jump shots, if House Rules prohibit such shots, the House Rules must prevail.
APA cannot and does not dictate their Host Locations’ business practices. Host Locations have the right to refuse service to anyone at any time, even in the middle of a session. Neither APA, nor Local League Management, can require Host Locations to host teams or let specific individuals in the door for the purpose of participating in League play.
Each Host Location may accommodate up to two teams per table during a period of play. Local League Management will set the schedule so that there are never more League matches in a location than there are available tables.
The Division Representative – The Division Representative (DR) is generally appointed by the League Operator. The DR is a person of integrity who is consistently active in the League, is a member in good standing and enjoys being more involved. The DR is knowledgeable about League affairs and may be consulted on matters related to the League. Consulted is the key word, because the DR does not have the authority to make rulings. However, it would be a logical choice to call your DR if you have a question on a rule, as they may be able
to help.
Please consult your Local League Management for the duties assigned
to your DR, as duties may vary from area to area. Some of the most common duties may include:
Communicating announcements and distributing other League information and materials to Team Captains and the Host Locations in their division(s).
Ensuring player feedback gets to the Local League Management.
Assisting Local League Management with Tournaments and other special events.
Acting as a member of the Board of Governors.
Assisting in the recruitment of new players, teams and
Host Locations.
The Board of Governors – The purpose of the Board of Governors (BOG) and its members is to assist the League Operator. A BOG generally consists of a number of Division Representatives, although not all BOG members are required to be DRs. Your Local League’s BOG may:
Provide feedback to the League Operator on Local Bylaws
and procedures.
Provide input on how protests and disputes between members should be resolved.
Assist the League Operator to resolve sportsmanship violations.
If deemed necessary, the BOG may recommend sanctions including but not limited to:
Loss of one or more points.
Loss of player or team eligibility and/or qualification.
Suspension or probation, and the appropriate time frame for each.
The League Operator represents a higher authority than the BOG, but APA asks League Operators to uphold the findings of the BOG unless they are in violation of League rules or policies, or blatantly inconsistent with the facts presented to the BOG. The BOG may not conduct meetings without being asked to do so by the League Operator. It is essential to understand that they are not intended or authorized to monitor, criticize or supervise the League Operator. BOG Members who cannot accept their role as described may be
removed from the Board. BOGs are important tools to ensure that disputes get resolved fairly. Please respect your BOG’s rulings at
all times.
The Handicap Advisory Committee – The League Operator may find it useful to establish a Handicap Advisory Committee (HAC) to assist with handicap observations and rulings concerning sandbagging violations. The HAC, if one exists, will normally consist of a number of highly skilled members who are familiar with APA League play. HAC members may be known to the membership or their identities may be kept confidential. The League Operator represents a higher authority than the HAC.